Thank you Mario, enjoy your retirement! Many of the Servants of Mary have benefited from his services and his availability at one time or another!In Mariama, it was with a heavy heart but in a wa...
Good Friday: way of the Cross at St. Bernard
Father Louis-Edouard Cestac, one of the beautiful characters of his time... by Edmond Puyol, (1835-1904) Born in Bayonne, Mgr. Puyol, knew Father Cestac since his early childhood. He wrote t...
Time of grace in Ivory Coast Sisters Isabelle and Arantza travelled to Ivory Coast, from 30 January to 19 February... to live a time of sharing and fraternal encounter, with the different communi...
Around 27 March: an anniversary to mark, a follow-up to give… On March 27th, we are celebrating the feast of Fr. Cestac, a most joyful occasion for all of us. In preparation of the feast, in each...
Around 27 March: an anniversary to mark, a follow-up to give… On March 27th, we are celebrating the feast of Fr. Cestac, a most joyful occasion for all of us. In preparation of the feast, in each...