1. Love these children as Our Lord, as Mary loves them; Love them as good mothers.
2. Great, entire and continual trust in the divine Mother, add also a trust, if I may dare to say friendly with these good Angels
3. Above all, stick yourselves to form in the minds of these young ones a spirit of faith.
4. The good will be there. First of all, make known most holy Mother to them and let her beloved by your many children; teach them what she is really for and what they have to be for her.
5. In your classes each of these dear little ones, seated on your benches, contains a whole future, and sometimes a great future.
6. Try to win these poor children through kindness and gentle manners.
7. Often speak to these dear children of their good and divine Mother of Heaven, of her power, of her goodness, of her vigilance on the souls who love and invoke her.
8. You will inspire these dear children with a deep respect for all that belongs to God and to his worship.
9. Poor or rich, children have the same rights to your care.
10. One cannot straighten a shrub without making it suffer
11. Often penetrates in the hearts of these young ones the feelings of love and trust towards this loving Mother. It would be a great preparation of the future by penetrating into the children these strong and powerful truths.
12. It is not the instruction as such, but the education assumes truly it has positive effects.
13. The class is a sacred duty that you must never neglect or give up.
14. The class is for you an obligation of conscience and justice.
15. A planned and prepared class will always be well done.
16. In the classroom, you will be devoted fully to your duty and to the children whom you are entrusted to teach.
17. You will occupy all the children without distinction, with equal zeal and same love.
18. Have a great affection, a holy and maternal affection for your dear children. Strive to make penetrate into their young hearts the holy love that sanctifies them and the trust in the good Mother who is to accompany and support them.
19. Be gentle and patient towards children; proportionate yourselves to their intelligence.
20. Never shout, the shouts can satisfy the natural liveliness, but they only stun the child and paralyze his faculties.
21. From the beginning be careful to show firmness in the classroom.
22. If they love you, everything will go smoothly; and the secret of being loved by pupils is to love them as yourself.
23. Our mission in the countryside: give education to little girls and to form them to be pious Christian.
24. Have special care to your classes and to your children. Have goodness and firmness towards them. Never be rude or angry but be good and firm.
25. Give greatest attention to the reading while teaching the small children.
26. Take care of these good little children and form them with a tender confidence in their divine and good Mother; Neglect none on its instruction.
27. Above all, never hit/beat the children. Instead deal with them gently to win their heart.
28. Never scold the sisters in front of the children; it is a disrespect.
29. I have gathered the little children of a small class who were learning to read, to pray and to learn the first elements of Christian education.
30. Have great affection for these poor children.
31. The child is like a plant which has to bear fruit, but need to be developed through a wise, intelligent and culture with a follow up.