These wise men see the star. First manifestation. They don't know the way, but they are heading towards the Light, because they feel their hearts burning. Their search for the Truth drives them. It guides them. This is the second manifestation in the silence of the night. As Isaiah prophesied: "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light".
And when they arrived, they saw nothing extraordinary, but only "a child with its mother". Yet they knew they were in the presence of the Son of God in his manifestation ; "Epiphany", to the world. "A little one often hidden in simple situations, in people who are humble and marginal".
Jesus, like a rising star (cf. Num 24:17), comes to enlighten all peoples and illuminate the nights of humanity. Suffering in a thousand ways. The cries of children and young people, of those suffering from consumerism with a thousand faces, of women whose rights as mothers, workers and social workers are trampled down. Men forced to wage war for the convenience of the Herods of our time. "With one ear to the Gospel and the other to the people of God." (Mgr. Angelelli)
Today, we too, Servants of Mary since our Baptism, our Epiphany, are embarking to "reach the other side". What motivates us? Mary, Mother and Mistress, ever since she manifested to Father Cestac: "Ask only for my Spirit"... The wisdom of the Bon Père who found ways, sometimes in the middle of the night and ways that were misunderstood at other times.
In contemplating our heart, we find it full of names, places, missions, Ways, Truth and Life. Where that love that never fades, that never sunsets, that never breaks even in the face of fragility, is to be found. Yes, a word that is small but immensely powerful. May it be heard throughout the world.
This is how we began.
This is how we continue.
This is how we hope...
First day of Lent... Lent is the great opportunity the Church offers us to truly convert our hearts to God. And this is something that only God himself can do in us if we allow ourselves to be tr...