23/11/2022 | Agenda - News

The Mother of Advent... 

In Advent, Mary is always a very meaningful presence. She is the mother who waits, the woman who welcomes the word, the daughter who takes risks, the friend who helps, the believer who keeps silent and meditates. We find all this in Mary. She becomes a mirror in which we can look at ourselves. Because we too must welcome, risk, serve and allow the good news to be a seed that takes root in the earth that we are. Two views of Mary can help me today to reflect on my own way of being in Advent. The look of the woman who speaks and the look of the woman who loves.

The woman who speaks

You rarely speak in the gospels, yet your words are resounding, definitive, unquestioning. "Let it be", "They have no wine", "Do what he tells you". And, above all, that "Magnificat" which is a hymn to freedom, justice and praise. We also talk. In the family, at work, among friends... We talk about other people. We talk about politics, football, cinema... We talk about what we care about or what keeps us going. Maybe also - hopefully - about God. There is a lot of power in words. The power to hurt and to heal, to lift up and to pull down. May we learn from you, Mary, to speak with truth.

The woman who loves

From the moment she says yes, Mary will live consecrated to this son who is now a promise and who will one day become a master. She will become a questioning bride, a young mother, a leader of the community, the first believer. And all this from a deep and authentic love for this Son whom she follows but does not control, whom she loves but does not dominate, whom she teaches but does not exhaust. Love is like this, it is the capacity to give without tying, to want without possessing. Love is able to weather storms and clear days. May we learn from you, Mary, to love with truth.

From a "Pastoral SJ" article

1° Sunday: November 27

"Watch and be prepared,

because we do not know when the Son of Man will come."

(Matthew 24:44)

2° Sunday: 4 December

"I baptize you with water for repentance,

but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me;

I am not worthy to carry his sandals."

 (Matthew 3:11)

3° Sunday: 11 December

"Truly I tell you, among those born of women,

no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist;

yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

 (Matthew 11:11)

4° Sunday: 18 December

"Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife."

 (Matthew 1:20)

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