The Acts of the XXIVth General Chapter

"Crossing to the other side"... handing over the Acts of the XXIVth General Chapter

The Acts of the Chapter are the fruit of the XXIVth General Chapter 2024 of the Servants of Mary. They are written with the ink of prayer, with each alphabet, in the light of long reflection and discernment. Written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it is therefore explicit that the Acts significantly reflect the spirit of Mary. 

The three orientations "Going together to the source", "Going together towards more fraternity" and "Going to share our source" invoke in us an ardent desire to be rooted and connected to our source in order to lead us to reveal the Gospel according to the charism received by Blessed Cestac.  

The handing over of Acts has made us aware of our responsibility to embrace all the realities of our religious family. It is a call to row together in the boat of life with missionary zeal and love, looking to the star of the sea, the Virgin Mary, who sustains us on our journey towards the Risen Lord. He enlightens us to move forward together by putting into practice the spirit of our founder. 

The presentation of the Acts was organised in the different regions and delegations: in France, in Buglose, Latchague and Mariama; in Spain, in San Sebastián; in Ivory Coast, in Dokui; in Argentina, in Llavallol; and in India, in Gudalur and Konoor.

  Relive the XXIVth General Chapter...