1. It is not cross of honor that I want but the cross with the true fruits of eternal life.
2. The soul can scarcely detach itself from the earth, and advance to heaven only by crosses and trials.
3. Let us receive the cross with a deepest gratitude; they are the clear signs that the work is according to God.
4. The cross is my sweetest consolation.
5. Cross on one side, consolation on the other! You have the cross and it is certainly the best part.
6. Remember that despite the appearances we must always be ready to receive the cross. The cross is our share.
7. Ask especially to our good Mother that she may obtain the grace from her divine son to bear our crosses and to carry it well without diverting from the way of God's designs upon us.
8. You carry this good and lovable Cross, which sometimes heavy, but which strengthens the inner man and disposes him to the perfect fulfillment of all the designs of God.
9. Often God allows trials and pains to build our trust and manifest the kindness and vigilance of his divine Mother.
10. The cross is the companion of life. We must carry it generously, with love.
11. In the crosses there are three graces: they purify us, they deserve us heaven, they maintain in us the life of faith, detaching us from the present life.
12. One must have suffering in life! But how happy it is to suffer! Oh! Yes, happy the one who renounces himself, carries the cross and walks after Jesus.
13. Do you surprised to have the cross? But this is the way of the souls walking in the footsteps of Our Lord.
14. The greatness of the love of God is measured by the greatness of the love of the crosses
15. The more the elevation of the building, need to have deep foundations, and the foundations are the crosses and the trials.
16. Crosses and trials are the most important character of the holy works. And any work that does not or has not passed through great tribulations cannot give great hopes.
17. Whatever the crosses, it appears like a threatening, but there is a powerful heavenly hand which will be able to stop the waves of tribulation and trial.
18. Our most loving Mother is careful to leave us without a cross. But what is more admirable is that beside the cross her motherly hand is always felt.
19. The sign of the cross! Oh! Yes, the sign of the cross has a great influence on the existence of the Christian life.
20. Bring your cross with resignation in surrendering yourself to our divine Mother. She is the comforter of the afflicted; she will not leave you for a long time in the sorrow.
21. You have begun by the trials; this is the true beginning of the divine works.
22. Crosses are necessary because it is not appropriate for the servants to be better treated than their Mistress.
23. The biggest crosses are the announcements, the preludes, and are the means of the greatest graces.
24. I am fully sure that it is only through trials and crosses that a work can be consolidated and bear fruits of grace and consolation.
25. After the battle, the crosses and trials, the heavenly happiness
26. A thousand times better the persecution and the crosses because there is no better bed than the cross to find the peace for the soul and to taste the real resting of the heart.
27. St. Vincent de Paul is one of our patron saints. For a long time, I have the great joy of going every year to visit him and to celebrate the holy Eucharist in the place where he was born.
28. The Way of the cross is the way of heaven and the love of the cross is also the way of happiness and peace on earth. Why should we seek for another?
29. To do the work of God and walk in the ways of his very holy mother without carrying the cross and believing them, it's impossible.
30. It is through the cross that our divine Savior has saved the world, it is at the foot of the cross that his mother co-operated in his Redemption, so all that affects this mother should bear this character.