Our name expresses our vocation: the Spirit which should animate us...
Like Mary we want to be disponible to the Spirit, to reveal Jesus, tenderness of the Father, came to announce the Good news to the poor and to liberate men and Man as a whole.
Servants of Mary, of apostolic life, we want to prolong the "YES" of Mary in the annunciation…and the Bernardines, in silence, prayer, and solitude united to Mary on the Holy Saturday, sentinels of hope.
God wants to make Covenant with us: He gives us the Spirit who prays in us and makes us to enter in Christ’s prayer.
- arouses and fortifies our missionary zeal,
- welcomes and personalizes human and spiritual richness of the peoples,
presenting to God their expectations and their praises,
- opens wide our hearts to the prayerful dimension of the peoples
in the midst of which we are inserted.