Celebration of the Epiphany... The Epiphany is the great feast for our Congregation, the first profession of our first Sisters and the birthday of our Bon Père. We celebrated the Epiphany at Notr...
"The Almighty has done great things for us." (LK: 1: 49) Maria Deepthi Matric High School hoisted “Maria’s Vivid Delight Club Expo” on December 1st 2022. The main aim of this club expo was to pro...
Another education is possible... We share with you some pictures of different meetings of children and young people from the collegio Nuestra Señora de Monte Grande, in Argentina.An ini...
The Mother of Advent... In Advent, Mary is always a very meaningful presence. She is the mother who waits, the woman who welcomes the word, the daughter who takes risks, the friend who helps, the...
The Gizaide Foundation, a mission of the Servants of Mary for 25 years... Quick reminder, what is Gizaide?The Gizaide Foundation was founded in 1997 by the Servants of Mary of Ang...
Another party time at the school "la Milagrosa"! On Sunday 6 November, students and families gathered again, this time to celebrate the Physical Education Festival...Students from all levels of t...