28/01/2022 | Agenda - News

Religious life, a consecrated life... 

In fact, and in law, every Christian is "consecrated" to Christ by his or her baptism, but this expression applied to the religious life emphasizes the public nature of a more radical commitment.

It is a day placed first of all under the sign of thanksgiving "because it is beautiful and just to thank the Lord for the great gift of the consecrated life, which enriches and rejoices the Church with the multiplicity of charisms and the dedication of so many lives totally given to the Lord and to the brethren".

The day of consecrated life is celebrated on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. The presentation of Jesus in the temple, consecrated according to the ritual prescription of the time to the Lord like every first-born boy, announces the gift of Jesus for the love of God and men and the supreme offering of the Cross. This day has therefore a special importance for every consecrated person who, inspired by the overwhelming gift of Christ, aspires in turn to give his or her life and to abandon everything to follow him.

On February 2nd, 40 days after Christmas, we also celebrate Candlemas (feast of candles). This Christian festival corresponds to the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. Candlemas is a festival of light.

*  Excerpt from  

video translation

The keys of the Church

Meeting with Mgr. Pascal Roland, Bishop of Belley-Ars

Why a day of consecrated life?
This day is meant to help all Christians to become aware of the place of Religious Life in the Church. Religious Life is important, I take as an example: the first concern of the bishop is that there be a presence of Religious Life in the Diocese.

Why on February 2nd, feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the Candlemas?
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple: Mary and Joseph present Jesus in the temple as was the custom of the law, the first born was to be offered to God, he is consecrated. Recognizing that this child is a gift from God, not to be kept for oneself, and that he was to be addressed to God in the act of grace. If this day was chosen for Consecrated Life, it is precisely because it is the response of the man who makes his whole life a living offering to God. The aim is to highlight this gesture of those who consecrate their whole life in communion with Christ who offers Himself.

How can consecrated persons give witness to the new generations?
It is possible to give witness by truly living Religious Life to the full, there is no need to advertise, we are not in marketing, it is a question on the one hand of the consecrated person living his consecrated life to the full and on the other hand that all Christians become aware of the need for Religious Life. It is essential for Christian life.

What message would you like to give to Catholics?
I would like to say to all those who listen to me that it is important to be aware of what consecrated life is. Consecrated Life is to make Christ's way of life present before our eyes. Consecrated persons are men and women who have heard this call to live their Baptism in a radical way, choosing poverty as Christ lived poverty, choosing obedience to God and not obedience to self and personal desires, choosing perfect chastity, renouncing marriage, consecrating their life and their whole body to the Lord, making Christ's way of life present before our eyes. It is important that we can see the life of Christ in our midst in a radical way.

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