Jesus is risen
I know that you are searching for Jesus, the one who was crucified.
He is not here, for he has been resurrected.
Matthew 28, 5-6
"… And it is this glorious way of Jesus' resurrection that allows us to access and relate to him from generation to generation. Otherwise it would have been a passing thing, like our own bodies shrinking with time. It is difficult to understand, because the resurrection seems impossible to us, so perhaps it is the cornerstone of our faith, with the risen Jesus the door of death is opened for all of us. Resurrection makes the impossible come true, makes life flourish where all was death and emptiness. Resurrection is God's confirmation, in Jesus, that death is not the end, that Life wins, that after our time comes eternity, after our history, fullness, after the here and now, the then and forever..."
Alvaro Lobo, sj
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