29/01/2025 | Agenda - News - Communities

On the occasion of the World day for consecrated life 2025, the Servants of Mary bear witness...  

February 2, the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, has been declared "World day for consecrated life” by Pope John Paul II.

This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.

On this occasion, the Servants of Mary offer testimonies from jubilarians sisters to give thanks for the gift of their lives, and insights to better understand the consecrated life and help discern one's vocation.

Sister Elisa Sevillano (93 years old), Latin America - Platinum Jubilee, 70 years of Religious Life

How did you meet the Servants of Mary?

"I met the Servants of Mary in my hometown, Lincoln. I only knew them by sight. When I decided to consecrate myself, I met the priest there and he invited me to speak to the Servants of Mary and ask them to receive me. I went to see them, met them and they welcomed me."

What words of the Founder live in you and what words of the Gospel inspire you?

"I decided to dedicate myself to God during a retreat I did with the Sisters of the Virgen Niña. The preacher spoke to us about poor and orphaned children. The words of Jesus: "What you do to the least of these, you do to me", and that of the Good Father: "Trust in Mary and in the love of the poor and orphans". That's what struck me the most."

What meaning do you see in this Platinum Jubilee, 70 years of religious life? What message would you like to pass on to young people?

"On this Jubilee, I'm very grateful to God who has given me so many years of faithfulness. I ask him to continue to take care of me, so that my life may be at the service of those around me, to the best of my ability. Pray for vocations to come and ask young people to study, to prepare for life, especially in these difficult times, to prepare for politics, in everything that is for the good of others, in the spiritual realm for the elderly, for children and above all to be faithful to their charism, to what they want to be in life."

To conclude this sharing, what would you like to add?  

"I also ask and thank for all that the sisters have given me in these times; I thank for everything and I ask the Lord to bless you all and to accompany us into a world where we can live with great peace, with great hope for the future."

January 2025 - Betania community in Llavallol, Argentina (Province of Buenos Aires)

Sister Marianne Execolatz (95 years old), France - Alabaster Jubilee, 75 years of Religious Life

January 2025 - EHPAD Mariama, Notre Dame du Refuge in Anglet, France

Sister Odette Errotabéhère (94 years old), France - Alabaster Jubilee, 75 years of Religious Life

January 2025 - EHPAD Mariama, Notre Dame du Refuge in Anglet, France

Sister Maïder Ospital (84 years old), France - Diamond Jubilee, 60 years of Religious Life

January 2025 - Notre Dame du Refuge in Anglet, France

Sister Arantza Bajineta (81 years old), France - Diamond Jubilee, 60 years of Religious Life

January 2025 - Notre Dame du Refuge in Anglet, France

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