It was at the feet of Our Lady of Buglose that Father Cestac received the first grace that would forever mark his life as Servant of Mary. Cornered to found a "Refuge" for young fleeing prostitution and without resources, he comes to ask the Virgin for 50,000 francs. Let us listen to him (he is speaking to the Virgin Mary): "I was going to ask you for 50,000 francs, when you closed my mouth and you made me hear this word:
"Ask me only my spirit."
So, he understands that it is not "his" work that he is undertaking; he must simply be her servant. Very soon after, he followed his signature with three initials “p.S.M.”, poor Servant of Mary. Henceforth all of Father Cestac's life is at the service of Mary. Servant, he has no pre-established plan or personal plan. Sensitive to the needs of his time, he lets himself be touched by the poorest. He prays, seeks to discern God's plan and lets himself be guided by Mary.
July 19, 2020
We are celebrating the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the statue of Our Lady of Buglose, which was discovered in the mud in 1620. Today, it is in the light...
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